New year, new you – or so we like to imagine.

The truth is that we do not become new people when a new year starts. The beginning of a new year is the traditional time to create resolutions and attempt to change things for the better, but many of these resolutions don’t survive long enough to see February.

This doesn’t mean that we can’t improve. The trick is to create goals and resolutions that stick.

Don’t make unrealistic goals.

Resolutions should not be confused with wishes. For example, you might wish you could earn three times more in 2018 than you did in 2017, but a jump like this is probably not a realistic goal. Similarly, a person who wants to lose weight should not resolve to lose 30 pounds a month – even if achieved, such weight loss probably wouldn’t be healthy.

Drastic change is usually not achieved overnight. If you set unrealistic goals, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Don’t create too many new goals at once.

This is similar to the last piece of advice. You might have big goals for 2018, but be careful not to spread yourself too thin. One goal at a time is fine. You might have a few smaller goals, but think twice before committing to a dozen resolutions at once.

Focus on goals that are in your control.

Yes, it would be nice to win the lottery, but you can’t realistically make that a resolution. Similarly, you don’t get decide whether you get a promotion or how many referrals you get. You can, however, resolve to ask clients about friends and family who may need services or to attend more networking events.

By focusing on things that you control, you’re ensuring that success is possible. Otherwise, you’ll be depending on luck and other people.

Break big goals up into small goals.

Big goals can be overwhelming. If you don’t know how to get started, you might never begin. This doesn’t mean that big goals should be avoided – as long as they’re realistic, of course. It just means that big goals need to be broken down into smaller goals.

One way to do this is to create a schedule. Instead of thinking about what you want to achieve in 2018, think about what you want to achieve each month, each week or even each day. This way, you’ll see your progress and feel motivated by it.

Get support from your friends or colleagues.

If some of your friends or colleagues have similar goal, you can help each other succeed. This doesn’t have to be competitive – although that works for some people. You can, however, celebrate each other’s victories and encourage each other when those victories are lacking. Need a supporting group to empower your business growth? PTT Financial can help. Learn more about PTT careers or join us at one of our Thursday evening Meet & Greet sessions.